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Don’t vote.


“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.”   Charles Bukowski

In case you hadn’t noticed, this country is in the middle of a mid-term election cycle with elections in November with what the MSM breathlessly reporting that the republicrats might take over the Senate and keep their majority in the House. Campaigns are going full swing, volunteers are volunteering for candidates, attack ads are all over the TV and the MSM is jumping all over any gaff or misstatement that any candidate might make.

It’s all a colossal waste of time and money.

Because in the end, no matter who’s elected, nothing’s going to change. Everyone who gets involved in elections whether they volunteer for a candidates campaign, put a little sign out in front of their house or merely vote are thinking that they are making a difference. They think that they have some say in how this country is governed when the reality is the complete opposite. Elections are an illusion that the elites stage every so often so the common people think they can make a difference. The reality however is that individuals who believe in this system are voting for their own slavery. Or in the case of tax parasites, they are voting to keep their snouts in the trough.

“Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on the man, never what he is to do”  Will Rogers

That old quote by Will Rogers is the absolute truth. If you’ve voted in the past for someone, how many times did he or she vote to pass some legislation you were vehemently opposed to? I’d venture to guess it was most of the time. Why is it when someone is voted into office, they immediately start supporting policies that go directly against the will of the people who voted for them? I’d say it’s because what the voters want and what Leviathan want are at polar opposites of each other. And Leviathan is going to pursue its interests, the will of the people be damned. Why do you think the rush to build the all-seeing surveillance and police state? It’s because the people have been waking up to what’s going on albeit slower than I would like, so the state has to accelerate its preparations for control of the population. Did any of you vote for any of this? And if you’d been able to, would you have? Would you vote for the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security? NDAA? The big bank bailouts? QE to infinity? Having to take your shoes off at the airport and get groped or irradiated just to get on a plane? Or hell, the biggest one of all, having half your income or more confiscated in taxes? I thought not.

“Why do the people humiliate themselves by voting? I didn’t vote because I have dignity. If I had closed my nose and voted for one of them, I would spit on my own face.”   Oriana Fallaci

So, I don’t vote. I know there are those of you out there thinking “How can you change things if you don’t vote?” I’ve heard the old saying over and over, “You can’t change the system unless you are part of the system”. I think that statement doesn’t hold up logically. Think about it, at work you are part of a system. Unless you are at the very top of the hierarchy in that system can you change anything? Very little as a rule, you are subject to the workplace rules and policies that those at the very top impose upon you. It works the same with governments, Those at the very top make and impose the rules and there’s very little you can do about it. So I choose not to participate because voting is in essence:

Giving your individual consent to be governed.

You are giving your consent to be groped at an airport, to be picked up and indefinitely detained, have all your phone calls and online activities monitored, have your tax dollars given to the greedy banksters, have your hard earned money taken away from you at the point of a gun and on and on. You have VOLUNTEERED for all this mistreatment if you vote.

I refuse to volunteer for all this horrific degradation of myself and all the people around me. I try to limit my exposure to any governmental entity to as little as I can even though it impossible to eliminate it entirely. I take back my earlier statement that nothing is going to change after these upcoming elections. Things ARE going to change; they’re going to get worse, much worse.

So what can be done? Damn if I know. I know that there’s nothing I can do about what is going to result in more human suffering than any other time in history. I predict the 21st century is going to make the 20th century look like a picnic when it comes to mass killing by governments. 650 million people dead in the one hundred years of the 20th century; there’ll be way more than a billion in the 21st century if the trends continue like they appear to be heading.

So, you want to be involved and vote?

The blood will be partially on your hands.

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